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  • D&G Pacific

Making business impact by focusing on plastic in waste management

D&G Pacific leads the way in taking part of topical events and discussions in the field of sustainability and waste management. This time the event is focusing on the growing problem of plastic in our oceans, a lot of it around the coast of the Philippines.

The event is organised by Business & Professional Women (BPW) Makati, an affiliate of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, who wants to inspire the business leaders (both SMEs and corporations) to pave the way for change, and realize that they are empowered individuals to help our country.

The audience is comprised of business and corporate leaders, NGOs lobbying for ocean conservation, SMEs/private sector in waste management and conversion, legislation/government, and a Swedish organization in circular waste management.

The objectives for the event are to:

• Show facts and figures that can educate everyone on the magnitude of this problem.

• Turn the issue into a positive perspective by showcasing individuals/organizations who are doing something about the problem

• Invite the relevant people to “talk to each other” that evening and make meaningful connections that can inspire and make the change happen

“I am thrilled and honoured by this privilege,” says Edmund Dimalanta who has been invited to be one of the panellists in the highlight of the event. “The change of this magnitude will need everyone to contribute and the business sector plays pivotal role in the future success.” We hope to create a lot of meaningful discussion and find even better solutions on the waste management as a whole, also after this event, and in all future events where D&G Pacific will be actively involved.”

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